7th grade
“Education is the foundation upon which we build our future.” - Christine Gregoire
As the future leaders of the school, high standards, responsibility, and integrity are instilled in them from the very beginning. In 7th Grade, our junior high students continue to learn in a departmentalized environment, where they transition between classes, with one-to-one Chromebooks, in order to prepare them for high school. Our faith is essential to the class’s development towards our Student Learning Expectations - Faith-filled Individuals, Lifelong Learners, and Caring Citizens. Daily Religion lessons focus on the writings of the New Testament. The Language Arts curriculum follows the Common Core State Standards, concentrating on Narrative, Argumentative and Expository writing. World history is the core of our Social Studies class, where we explore various cultures from the Islamic Empire through the Renaissance. It is our strong commitment to quality Catholic education that allows us to help develop each student spiritually, mentally, and physically. We are privileged to be a part of St. Bede Catholic School, a school that’s like family. For more information click here to see Mrs. Denison's class webpage.