Parents » Service Hours

Service Hours

Each family is required to provide 30 hours of volunteer time (15 for single parent families). Included in the service hours requirement, families must work eight of these hours during our parish festival in May. Throughout the school year, we have other opportunities for service hours.


Families may accumulate service hours in many ways such as volunteering for:

  • Field Trips
  • Classroom Assistance
  • Choice Lunch/Hot Lunch
  • Office Assistance
  • Sports Activities


If you are in need of service hours, please look in the Wednesday newsletter for service hour opportunities or contact our school office. 


In order for us to record your service hours, you must have the supervising member complete and sign the service hour coupon. Service hour coupons are located in the school office. We regularly check the service hour box, and it too is located in the school office.


Please Note: We will bill families for all incomplete service hours at $25.00 per hour.