Video Gallery
The Whole Word is Waiting for Love
3:04 Music Mondays - "Open My Eyes" by Jesse Manibusan
Music Monday (#5)<br>Happy Music Monday!<br>\"Open My Eyes\" by Jesse Manibusan. © 1988, 1999.<br><br>In this Music Monday video: Sung by Maddie Coronel and accompanied by Amir Aslanbaigi. Maddie is active in the music ministry as a member of the Children\'s Choir.<br>--<br>\"Music Mondays\" is a project by our Music Ministry featuring weekly videos of member(s) sharing a Liturgical song with you all. We invite you to sing and pray along!
Uploaded Sep 02, 2020 to Community -
3:35 St. Bede School - Video Testimonials Uploaded Jun 12, 2020 to Admissions
5:29 2020-2021 Student Leadership Officers
Congratulations to our newly elected student leaders! Each officer recorded a video to introduce themselves, so you can get to know them. We are so excited to have them represent our school.
Uploaded Oct 20, 2020 -
4:33 Beyond The Moon and Stars
“Beyond The Moon and Stars” by Dan Schutte © 1970, 2004<br><br>In this Music Monday video: Sung by Sharlene Gomez, accompanied by Amir Aslanbaigi. Sharlene & Amir are active in music ministry as members of the Children’s Choir.<br>--<br>Permission to podcast/stream the music is obtained from ONE LICENSE, A-733975. All rights reserved.
Uploaded Sep 21, 2020 -
5:35 Giving Thanks
We at St. Bede Catholic School have so much to be thankful for. The student leadership group asked families to send in a video saying what they are most grateful for. Our Vice President, Sharlene put together this video to share their responses.
Uploaded Nov 23, 2020