Tuition » Tuition


Tuition Rates

The parish, not the school, sets the criteria for the following two tuition rates.

In Parish Rate - Active parishioners of St. Bede Parish are families that use their time and talents to support the Parish. This includes, but is not limited to, attending weekend Mass regularly, participating in service to the parish, (e.g. eucharistic minister, lector, music ministry, usher, etc.), and financially support the parish (a minimum of $40.00 per month) in the first plate collection through the twelve-month calendar year. Parish contributions are tax deductible.

  • To qualify for this rate, families must be registered and participate actively in the life of St. Bede Parish. 
  • The parish will confirm registration and active participation. 
    • If regular contributions, as determined by the parish, and participation in parish services and ministries cease, tuition payments will change to the Out of Parish rate.

Out of Parish Rate - This rate is for families who are not active parishioners of St. Bede Parish.

Tuition Payments

Tuition payments are made through FACTS Tuition Management. Enrolling in a FACTS tuition payment plan allows you to select a payment option that best suits your financial needs. The plans listed below are offered by St. Bede Catholic School:

  • 12 Monthly Payments
  • Three equal installments
  • Payment in Full
Refer to the Tuition Agreement for payment dates.

For more details, contact the school bookkeeper, Sue Ann Dunster at [email protected] or (510)782-3444.